Annual Report

Motupipi School Annual Report 2023

Making a Difference Together


Motupipi School is a semi-rural, primary school located five kilometres from Tākaka township in Mohua/Golden Bay. The school is surrounded by mature trees and expansive grounds. Whānau involvement is high in all facets of schooling, with parents, whānau and community members providing excellent support for the school.

The Staff and School Board at Motupipi School are committed to providing students with high-quality education that supports and embraces our school vision of Making a Difference Together and our School Values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Connections.

Our rich, relevant Local Curriculum provides opportunities for excellence not only in academics, but also in sporting, environmental and social/emotional activities. We are a proud Enviroschool and we enjoy a strong connection to the Abel Tasman National Park via Project Janszoon.

The school has enjoyed stability in 2023 with consistent Teaching Staff and Principal, including the internal appointment of our Deputy Principal. 

Motupipi School is proudly connected across the rohe | area by our local Kahui Ako network of five schools and four early learning areas. Designed by Artist, Robin Slow, our Kahui Ako mahere toi | visual map represents the Cultural Context of all Schools and Early Learning facilities within Mohua. Motupipi School is represented by the red dot in the bottom left of the mahere toi.

In 2023, our Kahui Ako was fortunate to be gifted a taonga of the Mohua Local Curriculum|Te Marautanga a Mohua which was developed by Manawhenua ki Mohua. Motupipi School has  begun the process of incorporating this incredible volume of knowledge, understanding and  pūrākau into our local curriculum.

In Staff Professional Development and in partnership with Manawhenua ki Mohua, throughout 2023, our school unpacked our Cultural Narrative and developed our own mahere toi|visual map (designed by Artist, Robin Slow) which can be read/seen below:

Motupipi School Cultural Narrative

Winding over Pikikirunga pae maunga, let your eyes settle on the scales of Ngararahuarau scattered across the pae|ridge of the maunga. Along the ridgeline to the east, Te Tai Tapu stretches beyond the horizon, waves lapping at Wainui Bay. 

At Wainui a cave sits on a headland, home of Ngararahuarau, where Ruru devised her plan to be free of the grasp of the taniwha, luring him to Whakatū. Captured in a whare lit alight, he struggled free and fled over Pikikirunga Paemanga, down the deep cavernous hole to Wainui Falls in an effort to get back to te Ana o Ngararahuarau. 

In Mohua, a repo|wetland stretches all along the tai | tide lines. From Rototai to Motupipi and beyond Pōhara, Tata, Wainui, Taupō Point to Te Matau|Separation Point, the many tributary streams and fingers of wetland collect and connect, meandering out to meet Tangaroa.

We are reminded to be like Ruru! Determined, tenacious, and persistent: Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei.

Tracing along this coast, realm of Hine Waitai, are abundant mahinga kai|food baskets of the ātua, of Waitī, Waitā 

Ānei te Kura o Motupipi! Here is Motupipi School! Making a difference together

Rachel Evans (PGCertEdLM, BTchLn, DTM)

Principal/Tumuaki | Motupipi School

Audited Financial Reports