Useful School Information
School assemblies are held every Wednesday afternoon at 2:30pm outside or in Room 3. It is here that student achievements are celebrated and students are given the opportunity to share their learning in front of the school. Whanau are most welcome to attend.
Attendance / Absences
Students are required to attend school on all days that the school is open. It is very important that students arrive on time for school with enough time to prepare for the day. In the event of your child not coming to school for any reason, please ring or email the school, or submit an absence using the HERO App before 9.00am. For student safety, we take a check every morning and afternoon and will ring you if your child is absent without prior notification.
Complaints / Concerns
Hopefully there will be few causes for complaint. However, from time to time these arise. Often they arise due to a misunderstanding, or there is a need to clarify some point.
Complaints and concerns should first be discussed with your child’s teacher.
All complaints that cannot be amicably resolved after the teacher concerned has been consulted, should be referred to the Principal, who will mediate if the need arises.
If the situation is not resolved a written letter should be forwarded to the School Board. The Board will then follow up the matter.
If the issue is with the operation of the school contact the Principal or the School Board
Dental Treatment
Students needing dental treatment travel to the Dental Clinic at Takaka Primary School.
The dental nurse will arrange appointments with the parents and it is the parents responsibility to get their child to Takaka Primary School. Any problems or queries please phone the Mobile Dental Clinic 0800 833 846
Home Learning
Formal home learning is set at the discretion of the teacher. Home readers will generally be sent home with the junior students. All students should be encouraged to set aside some time to read each night, whether it be alone or shared with a parent.
We have a well resourced library. Students are encouraged to borrow books for personal reading and research. Please help by ensuring that the books are carefully treated at home and returned. Please help us maintain this excellent resource. Students are to transport library books and readers home in Book Bags. Please contact the office if your child does not have a Book Bag.
School Lunches available most Fridays
School lunches are made on Fridays by parent volunteers, in order to raise funds for the school. Various items are available (these vary week to week) these are advised on Hero. Place orders at the School Office. (Orders in by Wednesday lunchtime - Cash or Pre-Pay Only). Thanks to our Parents/Whanau that assist with preparing the lunches. We ask, if possible, that parents/caregivers do one Friday lunch duty during the year to help distribute the lunches.
Lost Property
This is put in a container/rack outside on the Room 3 deck. Named items can be returned to their owners quickly. Unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each term to a local charity.
The school newsletter is posted on HERO and the school website every month and is one form of communication between the school and home.
Parent/Caregiver Help
We welcome the help of our parents/caregivers in our school. If you have a special interest or strength that you can share with the students we would love to hear about it.
Pre School Visits
Before New Entrant students begin school we offer transition visits to provide your child with the opportunity to get to know their teacher, classmates and get a feel for what the school is about.
Please contact our Principal to make an appointment for the first visit at least a month prior to your child starting.
Reporting to Parents
Reporting is important in the establishing of good relationships and understandings between parents, student and teacher. During the year you will be provided with the opportunity to meet with the class teacher. Written Reports will go home via Hero each term.
You may at any time request an interview outside of formal reporting times if you wish. Simply contact the class teacher at school to arrange a mutually agreeable time.
Smoke & Vape Free Policy
The school has a smoke and vape free policy which does NOT allow smoking or vaping within the school buildings or in the school grounds at any time.
School Bus
We have two bus runs. The Wainui bus run is run by the Ministry of Education and is funded. The town bus is a 'pay as you use' service. The school needs to be informed by phone call or note if there is to be a change of travel plan for your child. This includes a change of bus or if someone is going to pick your child up. Please ask at the Office for any further information.
Regular class progressive skill lessons are taken each week. These are generally planned to lead up to events such as swimming sports, athletic sports, cross country run, and inter-school sports events including rugby, netball, soccer and hockey.
A well-stocked Sports Shed means there is no shortage of equipment for lessons and playtimes.
Sun Hats
All students must wear a broad-brimmed sunhat/bucket hat during terms 1 and 4. Students will not be able to play in the sun if they are not wearing a hat. Please make sure hats are named.
Swimming Pool
The normal swimming season runs from during terms 1 and 4. The pool is available for use out of school hours by parents, pupils and the community. Keys are available to purchase from the school.
School Accounts
You can access your school account using the HERO App. Charges include stationery, class trips, camps and sporting events that your child participates in. Payment plans are available, please contact the office.