School Buses
We have two bus runs. The Wainui run is paid by the Ministry of Education. The town bus is a 'pay as you use' service. The school needs to be informed by phone call or email if there is to be a change of travel plan for your child. This includes a change of bus or if someone is going to pick your child up.
The Wainui Bus leaves Tui Community at 7.55am, Tata Beach at 8.10am, is at Pohara Valley Tennis Courts at 8.18am, and arrives at school at 8.23am.
In the afternoon the bus leaves Motupipi at 3.15pm. It travels to Pohara store, then Pohara Tennis Courts arriving about 3.21pm. It then goes on to Ligar Bay at 3.25pm, and then meets the High School Bus at Tata Beach at 3.28pm. The journey finishes at Tui Community, Wainui Bay, at 3.55pm.
Please contact the office if you would like your child to be on the school bus.
Town Bus
The town bus leaves Bickleys Depot on Commercial Street at 8.10am travelling to Motupipi via Meihana Street and arriving at school at 8.20am.
In the afternoon the bus leaves Motupipi at 3.30pm and travels back to the depot, arriving by 3.40pm.
The cost of this bus for each student is $100.00 per term or $4.00 per trip. Golden Bay Coachlines handles all bookings and payments directly. Please contact them on 03 525 8352.